Monday, January 17, 2011


I'm not even gonna lie... today was a horrible day. Emotionaly that is. For some reason I felt completly lost. Wondering "Why I'm here?" "With who?" "Is it really worth it?". The answers: "I don't one...who knows?!" 

Carlos woke up early so I turn off my alarm thinking that he was gonna wake me up whenever it was time to start getting ready to go to church.... yeah think again! He didn't because he wasn't gonna go! So there I am late, by myself at church that to tell u the true I only went because I invited someone the night before and it would been rude not to show up after that (and yes, In case u r wondering, as predicted the person didn't come). I came home and at 1:30 of he went to basketball practise with the team. So again there I was by myself sleeping, watching NCIS and getting really scared every time the dog bark at the door because he usually doesn't bark at all. Carlos call like at 6:30 and got mad at me because I said that they had "the longest practise ever" for what he answer "I can belive ur comment, I'm working". For some reason I thought that he was calling because he was on his way home, but far from that he was now gonna "watch film with the other coaches"! I mean I don't wanna be the crazy jealous wife but I mean... come on! Really? I never see u during the week and know u deside 2 spend ur sunday with "the team". Pa' pendeja otra but to be honest I don't even miss him no more. Seriously, I'm so used to be by myself and do things my way, without asking for anyones permition, without anyones help. 

Finally at 8:30p I decide to get ready because my friend was gonna come to pic me up to go to the movies, but guess what? Change of plans (AGAIN), she text me and cancel and didn't even pick up when I call her back! -_- So at this point I'm just frustrared, thinking how different my weekend would it be if I was home with my family @ "San Se' 2011"! A hugeeee festival/party in PR this weekend.

Well to finish my night I thuoght it would be a good idea to go and eat at a nice restaurant to cheer me up, but nooooooo here comes Mr.Grinch calling me again and start up a fight over who knows what! So I end up crying and ordering something at McDonalds drive thru! :'( 

On my way home (still crying) I stop at a Red Box and rented "EAT PRAY LOVE". Waaaaaoooo! Just waoooo! I love it! The story of my life on a DVD! As soon as the movie start I had to wrote down this lines beacause I felt so identify with them:
"I had actively participated in every moment of the creation of this life. So why don't I see myself in any of it? The only thing more impossible than staying... was leaving. I didn't wanna hurt anybody. I wanted to slip quietly out the back door and not stop running until I reached Greenland. Instead, I made a decision. I pray."

Couldn't have say it better myself! I really love this movie and hopefully like her I would find my peace. Peace Of mind, of heart, of body, of soul. But first I have to buy my ticket!...

"There's a wonderfull italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging: "Dear saint please please please let me win the lottery" Finally the exasperated statue comes to life and looks down at the begging man and says: "My son, please please please buy a ticket". So now I get the joke... And I have my ticket."

In good puertorrican we can resume this joke as "ayudate para que te ayude". In conclution... I realize I can change if I keep doing the same! 

Eating, Praying and Loving.... Leysi Lee  

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Que bello era vivir en tropico!

So guess what? It snow! Agh! Osea, para que ustedes puedan entender un poquito mi frustracion tienen que recordar que soy de Puerto Rico... "La Isla de Encanto"... "Perla del Caribe"... "Paraiso terrenal"... etc, etc! lol y arrancada de mi islita por un enga~o de mi esposo! Si enganada me trajeron para aca, ya q me dijo que a donde nos mudabamos jamaaass la temperatura bajaba de los 60! Agghhh! Lo que es la ignorancia y estar enamorao'!

 Bueno.. Solo queria compar con ustedes algunas fotos de la nevada y el "Ice Age" que tuvimos luego de ella! Hasta las escuelas, tiendas, fabricas y hasta McDonalds cerraron ya que aqui no es usual ese clima y no estan preparados para el. Ofcourse UPS no cerro operaciones (...that's "what brown can do for you"!), pero yo no fui porque estaba muy aterrorisada a guiar en el hielo ya que tuve una pesadilla la noche antes de que iba a tener un accidente! I know... i know... pero es mejor prevenir q tner que lamentar! Jajaja

Leysie Lee

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mejor que mil palabras...

Dicen que "es de sabios callar" y que "eres dueno de lo que callas, pero esclavo de lo que dices", asi que por ahora, x cortesia me expresare con imagines. Hopefully someone out there will understand what I'm screaming!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Blogger who?! *_*

I really have no idea why I just open a blogspot. I guess to talk to myself cause I don't have any followers! Lol I don't even know in what lenguage should I write! My first lenguage it's spanish... so I guess until I get followers that speak english I'll write things just like I fell them... IN SPANISH! Quizas deba empesar diciendoles como una puertorriquena, mielduita de Fajardo llega a vivir al SUR de los EU! I mean... a quien diache se le ocurre mudarse a un sitio dnd el porciento de hispanos es solo un 2%! Racistas? Eguro'! Aqui si no eres rubia de ojos azules, eres mexicana! Aburridos? Pal'! Pero anyway... el punto era contarles como llegue aqui! Hase algunos a~os cuando vivia en Puerto Rico mi vida era perfecta! No, enserio! Tenia el trabajo perfecto! Dirigia una dependencia de gobierno (exacto no hacia nada! $), me iba perfectamente bn en la universidad (A+), era modelo, tenia muchas amistades y una familia expectacularmente bella (wich I still have)! Bueno un dia mi bf me ofrese trabajar con ella para el equipo de Baloncesto Superior Nacional, Los Cariduros de Fajardo con quien ella trabajaba para ganarme un dinerito extra y u know poder "ver el juego de cerca"! Al parecer lo vi demasiado de muy de cerca ya que uno de los jugadores, el numero 7 "Collazo", desidio dedicar su tiempo en el banco a estar pendiente a la muchacha acargo del area de abonados! Asi que ya se imaginaran q para hacerles el cuento largo corto hoy esta rroncando al lado mio. Si, ese "pain in the ass" que tanto me "tiro" y yo tanto deteste por sobrao' hoy es mi esposo, asi que siendo asi la cosa pense que mi vida "perfecta" iba a ser aun mas perfecta con el "baloncelista mas codisiado del area Este" por esposo y que me esperaban viajes alrededor del mundo ya que el viajaba mucho a jugar con otros paises.... emm yeah right! Al mes d casarnos a Carlos (that's his name) le ofresen trabajo en EU como coach de un equipo de baloncesto de universidad y luego de pensarlo not for 2 long decidimos "darnos una oportnidad de vivir mejor" y the "settle down". Agh! Pq alguien no me dijo como era esto? Osea de que para ellos it's all about caballos y jugar golf! For fun... juegan bowling en una bolera que sin exagerar parese que el texas chainsaw massacre juega ahi todas las noche o van al cine (q solo tiene 4 salas) o van a la iglesia! I mean... don't take me wrong I love baby Jesus y realmente estar aqui me ha acercado mas a Dios... I even sing in the choir! (bueno ni modo, no tngo nada mejor q hacer! lol kidding) Es como un pueblito fantasma perdido en el tiempo. Aqui el reloj se detuvo hasen 20+ anos! De que las mujeres visten bien a la antigua y con los pelos bn a los 80, y el dress code de las chicas todos los dias a todas horas es una tshirt que diga "souther girl" o d algun club o asociacion de por aqui con jeans y chancletas!  Te lo resumo diciendo que es uno de los top 10 estados para personas retiradas! Hello I'm 22! Someone help me!! Jajaja Pero anyway... Asi fue que llegue aqui, por enamora'! >.<